Monday, November 9, 2015

New Research Funding Opportunities in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Colleagues, the Office for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development has shared with us these funding opportunities, which will be of considerable interest in the college. Please share with interested parties and let my office know if you plan to apply.

This program supports universities in instituting wide-ranging changes in humanities doctoral programs. Humanities knowledge and methods can make an even more substantial impact on society if students are able to translate what they learn in doctoral programs into a multitude of careers. NEH will support activities specific to each institution’s needs: these may include (but are not limited to) multi-departmental collaboration, transformations in curricula, modifications in stipend structures, altered formats for dissertations, commitment to collection of alumni career information and outcomes, partnerships with non-university entities, as well as a pledge to encourage doctoral students to explore and prepare for multiple career trajectories. NEH intends the Implementation Grants program to promote best practices on the part of its awardee institutions, and thereby to establish a new model for graduate education in the humanities. 
Award: Up to $700,000 (cost sharing required)Agency due date: 2/17/16

This program supports research leading to the creation of new mathematical models, analyses, and algorithms for decision-making related to design, planning, and operation of service and manufacturing systems. Specifically, the program supports two main types of research: (i) innovations in general-purpose methodology related to optimization, stochastic modeling, and decision and game theory; and (ii) research grounded in relevant applications that require the development of novel and customized analytical and computational methodologies. Both types of proposals must be motivated by an application area of interest to the program. Application areas of interest include supply chains and logistics; risk management; healthcare; environment; energy production and distribution; mechanism design and incentives; production planning, maintenance, and quality control; and national security. Of particular interest are methods that incorporate increasingly rich and diverse sources of data to support decision-making.
Award: Not specifiedAgency due date: 2/5/16

This program supports universities in instituting wide-ranging changes in humanities doctoral programs. Humanities knowledge and methods can make an even more substantial impact on society if students are able to translate what they learn in doctoral programs into a multitude of careers. NEH will support activities specific to each institution’s needs: these may include (but are not limited to) multi-departmental collaboration, transformations in curricula, modifications in stipend structures, altered formats for dissertations, commitment to collection of alumni career information and outcomes, partnerships with non-university entities, as well as a pledge to encourage doctoral students to explore and prepare for multiple career trajectories. NEH intends the Implementation Grants program to promote best practices on the part of its awardee institutions, and thereby to establish a new model for graduate education in the humanities. 
Award: Up to $700,000 (cost sharing required)Agency due date: 2/17/16

Scholarly Editions and Translations grants support the preparation of editions and translations of pre-existing texts of value to the humanities that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions. Typically, the texts and documents are significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials; but other types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible. Projects must be undertaken by at least one editor or translator and one other collaborating scholar. These grants support full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years.
Agency due date: 12/9/15

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate interdisciplinary health-disparities research related to aging that considers the role that stress, stress response, and stress resilience play in differential health outcomes in priority health disparity populations in the U.S.  In particular, this FOA seeks applications proposing to clarify pathways linking stress and aging-relevant health outcomes (e.g. mortality, cognitive impairment, multiple chronic conditions, disability, quality of life) through the investigation of links between environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and biological factors
Agency due date: LOI: 12/13/15
Application: 1/13/15
This FOA is designed to support Collaborative Aging (in Place) Research Using Technology (CART) by developing and validating a research infrastructure that has the capacity to integrate data across different projects, incorporates existing technologies, and can accommodate future technologies, designed to assess and intervene across a variety of observational and clinical research studies and settings, and for a range of measures, diseases and populations. The infrastructure development will include a demonstration project, to test feasibility for operating on a larger scale.
Agency due date: LOI: 12/15/15Application: 1/12/16

This exciting program provides support—one-half of each Scholar’s salary and fringe—for distinguished academic researchers to spend scholarly leave time at RTIInternational, actively collaborating with experts.  The goal of the program is to foster collaboration and catalyze opportunities for externally funded, joint projects in the future.
Agency due date: 1/6/16
