Thursday, February 19, 2015

RFP: "Understanding the Relationships between SNAP, Food Security, and Health in the National Health Interview Survey"

The University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research (UKCPR), in cooperation with the Economic Research Service (ERS) and the Food Nutrition Service (FNS) in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, will competitively award grants to qualified individuals and institutions to provide rigorous research that utilizes data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) or from NHIS linked to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS).

We seek new research with the NHIS or NHIS-MEPS that expands our understanding of (1) the interaction between adult mental and physical health and household food insecurity, (2) SNAP on the health of both family caretaker and children, and (3) food insecurity on health and the possible mediating role of SNAP.

It is anticipated that 4 grants of up to $75,000 each will be awarded.

Proposals are due April 29, 2015.  

Please direct questions to NHIS Research Initiative at  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Call for Nominations - Jackson Rigney International Service Award & Outstanding Global Engagement Award

Do you know somebody who has made significant contributions to the university or the world in international research, scholarship or service?  Faculty and staff who have made significant contributions to global engagement at NC State are eligible to be nominated for two different global awards this spring. Nominations are now being accepted for the Jackson Rigney International Service Award and the Outstanding Global Engagement Award.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Scholarship of Community Engagement Institute (Applications due February 13th

We would like to remind you that there is one week left to apply to the Office of Faculty Development’s Scholarship of Community Engagement InstituteBased on our successful annual Summer Institute on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, the Community Engagement Institute will take place over three days during Spring Break 2015: Monday, March 9thWednesday, March 11th, and Friday, March 13th.

Participants will gain knowledge in the unique aspects of conducting research on community engagement as well as hear from experienced engagement researchers. They will begin work on their Scholarship of Community Engagement projects and receive feedback from their fellow participants as well as session leaders. Participants will attend four virtual check-in meetings in 2015-16 with the expectation that they will present their research at the 2016 Office of Faculty Development Teaching and Learning Symposium.

To apply for the Engagement Institute please fill out an application form at Applications will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 13th. This pilot Institute will be limited to ten participants. If you wish to participate, please be sure to hold9:00-5:00pm on your calendars each day of the Institute. Priority will be given to those applicants who can attend all sessions. Participants will receive a mini-grant that can be used to support their research projects. If you have questions, please contact Erin Robinson (eerobins@ncsu.edu919.513.2421).

Thursday, February 5, 2015

University of Adelaide - NC State University Starter Grants for Research Collaboration

The strategic partnership between the University of Adelaide and North Carolina State University is a preferred relationship to leverage complementary strengths and trans-disciplinary scholarship to advance research collaboration as well as academic exchanges.  We are pleased to announce the call for joint proposals for the development of research collaboration.  These awards are designed to provide pump-priming and early contact partner outreach with the expectation that they will lead on to more substantive engagement resulting in high quality outputs, such as international research training for graduate students or early career faculty, publication of joint papers from collaborative research, or follow-on joint research bids.
Funding: Selected proposals will receive up to $10,000 from each institution with a maximum total of $20,000 (jointly funded).  Funds will support the travel and subsistence costs associated with researchers spending time at the partner institution.
Deadline: Friday March 20, 2015
Proposals may include collaborative activities such as: