Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NIH Limited Submission Program: Planning Grants for Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research....

The National Institutes of Health has announced the program, "Planning Grants for Hubs of  Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health" (P20).  The program, also known as GEO Health, is designed to support paired consortium exploratory awards led by one Low-and-Middle-Income Country (LMIC) institution and one U.S. institution to plan research, research training and curriculum development around national and regional environmental and occupational health policy issues.
The limit is one application per institution.
Award:  The pairedd applicants will submit two separate but tethered applications with separate budgets specific to each institution.  The combined budget for each pair is limited to $100,000 in total costs, with at least half going to the LMIC institution.  Maximum duration is two years.
Important dates:
Mandatory notification of interest in applying: Due by 5 p.m. February 3 tocarol_ashcraft@ncsu.edu .
NIH letter of intent due date: February 7, 2012.  The NIH funding opportunity announcement places no restriction on the number of letters of intent that can be submitted.
Internal preproposal submission:  Due by 5 p.m. February 13 tocarol_ashcraft@ncsu.edu .  Internal requirements are available athttp://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/2012/01/planninggranthubs/ .
Estimated internal review completion date:  February 15
NIH application deadline:  March 7
For more information and a link to the funding opportunity announcement, see

Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012–2013 William T. Grant Scholars Application Guide Now Available.

Colleagues, this is an excellent opportunity for junior faculty, defined as those who have earned their terminal scholarly degree (PhD, mostly) in the last seven years. Please make your junior faculty aware of this outstanding opportunity.


We are pleased to announce the release of the 2012-2013 William T. Grant Scholars Program Application Guide. The Scholars Program supports the professional development of early-career researchers from diverse disciplines, who have a promising track record of conducting high-quality research and are seeking to expand their skills and expertise. Each year, four to six William T. Grant Scholars are selected and each receives $350,000 distributed over a five-year period.

The new Application Guide contains a description of the program, guidelines for submitting an application, and a list of current Scholars and Selection Committee members. Additional information about the Scholars Program is available on our website. Applications are due by July 3, 2012.

Please forward this announcement to colleagues who may be interested in applying for this award. We are particularly interested in reaching applicants of color. Learn more...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Oak Foundation Fellowship Program

UNC General Administration in partnership with the Oak Foundation Learning Differences Programme is pleased to announce the Oak Foundation Fellowship Program.  

Funded by a two-year grant, the Oak Foundation Fellowship in the Learning Differences Program is an outstanding opportunity for post doctoral candidates and graduate students who have recently completed their course of study, or will complete their course of study by the end of the spring 2012 semester.  Preferable areas of study include public administration/policy and studies of the science of learning/neurobiology, educational policy, educational leadership, instructional technology, curriculum and instruction, or related areas.

Dear Colleague Letter - Stimulating Research Related to the Science of Broadening Participation

Colleagues, Charlene Simon, our University's Assistant Director of the Research Proposal Development tipped me to this Dear Colleague Letter regarding broadening all types of participation in the nation's STEM enterprise. As noted below
A Science of Broadening Participation will employ the cognitive, behavioral, social and economic sciences to inform approaches to broadening participation and will strengthen our national science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) capabilities and competitive advantage. Ultimately, the SBP can provide policy makers with the evidence needed for informed decisions.
Please consider whether your research would qualify for this program, and circulate the announcement broadly. This is a field of research in which NCSU could really make a mark.

NSF 12-037
Dear Colleague Letter - Stimulating Research Related to the Science of Broadening Participation
DATE: January 24, 2012
National Science Foundation
Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences
Division of Social and Economic Sciences

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Limited Submission: NEH's "Grants for Arts: Arts Works" Program.

The National Endowment for the Arts has announced the "Grants for Arts: Art Works" program, which is limited to one application per organization in one calendar year.  The program is intended to support the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts. 
Award:  Up to $100,000 over up to two years
Important dates: 
Mandatory notification of interest in applying:  Due by 5 p.m. January 31, 2012 to carol_ashcraft@ncsu.edu .
Internal preproposal submission:  Due by 5 p.m. February 6, 2012 to carol_ashcraft@ncsu.edu .  Internal preproposal requirements are available at http://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/2012/01/art-works/ . 
Estimated internal review completion:  February 10, 2012
NEA application deadlines:  March 8, 2012 or August 9, 2012, depending on the specific artistic field or category of the proposal selected to represent NC State in the NEA review.
For more information and links to the program guidelines, see http://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/2012/01/art-works/ .

NSF IGERT Application Announcement

Colleagues, please let me know if you are on a team proposing an IGERT project. As you may know, NCSU has one active IGERT project on genetic pest management, that involves several CHASS faculty. If you've been asked to be a part of a different, new project, please let me know. 
The National Science Foundation has announced the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeships program for 2012.  The program is intended "to establish new models for graduate education and training in a fertile environment for collaborative research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries."
The letter of intent is required, and only one letter of intent is allowed per institution.  The limit on proposals is one per institution.
Award:  Up to $3.3 million per award over five years.
Important dates:
Mandatory notification of interest in applying:  Due by 5 p.m. January 30, 2012 to carol_ashcraft@ncsu.edu .
Internal preproposal submission:  Due by 5 p.m. February 21, 2012.  Internal preproposal requirements are available at http://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/2012/01/igert 
Estimated internal review completion date:  February 29, 2012
NSF (required) letter of intent deadline: May 2, 2012
NSF proposal deadline:  July 2, 2012
For more information and a link to the NSF program solicitation, see http://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/2012/01/igert .

Research Funding: Institute for Research on Poverty

The Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) seeks to fund extramural* research that will enhance our understanding of the relationship of family complexity to poverty and public policy, one of three integrated research themes shaping IRP’s research agenda as a DHHS/ASPE National Poverty Research Center.

IRP anticipates funding up to five projects, with a maximum award of $20,000 each, to emerging scholars as defined in the attached RFP. Grantees will benefit from consultation with IRP senior affiliates, with each other, and—during a workshop at which grantees will present their draft paper—with other senior poverty scholars.

Proposals should be e-mailed to IRP before 5 p.m. CST on Thursday, March 1, 2012.

Please share this announcement with interested scholars and post it on your electronic mailing lists.
Thanks very much!
*Please note that University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty and postdoctoral fellows are ineligible for this funding.

Deborah Johnson
Senior Editor
Coordinator, RIDGE Center for National Food Assistance Research

Monday, January 23, 2012

Climate Change Research Symposium: Opportunity for Recent PhDs

If you're a recent PhD graduate, or know of one, working on issues related to climate change, this is a particularly attractive opportunity to network with other junior scholars. Please share broadly among your colleagues.

DISCCRS VII Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposiumhttp://disccrs.org/disccrsposter.pdf

Dates: October 13-20, 2012

Location: La Foret Conference and Retreat Center
Colorado Springs, CO

Application Deadline: February 29, 2012Participation limited to 30 early-career Ph.D. scholars
Airfare and on-site expenses are supported through grants from NSF and NASA

Thursday, January 19, 2012

USAID Opportunities

I apologize for the short deadlines for submitting questions to USAID indicated in this posting; I only today received this. But the information is likely to be useful to anyone with international projects of interest to AID, even if you don't have the chance to submit your own question.

The Office of International Affairs Global Health Initiatives and the Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development are hosting a gathering to participate in a USAID webinar workshop on an exciting Global Health funding opportunity.  
When:  January 24, 2012 from 1 to 3 p.m.
Where:  EB III, Room 4153 
Please RSVP: Marian McCord, (mmccord@ncsu.edu)
Unique USAID Funding Opportunity

Excellent opportunity for recent PhDs in the humanities: ACLS Public Fellows.

The American Council of Learned Societies has announced its newest program, ACLS Public Fellows.  The program invites recent Ph.D.s from the humanities and humanistic social sciences to apply for two-year staff positions at partnering organizations and the nonprofit sector.  
The stipend is $50,000 to $65,000, depending on the position.  Tenure is two years.  The application deadline is March 21, 2012.  For more information, see http://www.acls.org/programs/publicfellows/ . 
To learn about other faculty award programs, see http://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/award-programs/ .

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Important Community of Science Update

Community of Science is transferring all current COS Expertise Profiles effective January 18 to its recently launched service, COS Pivot.  Data in the "old" COS Expertise Profiles will be made available only through the Pivot platform.  If you are in old COS, you are in Pivot already.  All each existing user has to do is to "claim" the profile in Pivot.  New users must use Pivot to create their profiles.  Both existing users and new users can go to http://pivot.cos.com -- NO "www."  Existing users can click "Log in" to claim their profiles if they know their COS usernames and passwords.  New users--and existing users who don't have their old COS usernames and passwords--can create their profiles at http://pivot.cos.com by clicking "Sign in."

Monday, January 9, 2012

A new way to apply for CHASS research support: the CHASS Funding Request Form

The CHASS research office is pleased to announce that we have a new system for taking in funding requests. On the CHASS Research Blog you will see, under pages, a link to "CHASS Funding Request Form." This form is now the primary method faculty will use to apply for CHASS support for research and engagement activities. This new system will help us to match the different resources we have with the research needs of the college's faculty.

You can also access the form directly at http://chassresearch.blogspot.com/p/chass-funding-request-form.html

The form is straightforward and easy to use, and many of the parts can be completed using materials you've already written--you need only cut and paste from existing documents, as needed. If you are writing new text, you may want to write in your word processor first, and then paste the text into the appropriate form. This will allow you to more readily save your work and run spelling and grammar checks.

Important things you should know:

1. You cannot use the form unless you are logged into your NCSU Gmail--this login gives you access to all the features of Google documents, including forms. If you are not logged in when you try to fill in the form, open a new browser tab or window, log in, and then refresh the screen.

2. When completing the form, please indicate in the appropriate place that you would like to have a copy of your entries emailed to you. You should then be able to use that copy to share with your department head, who should be informed of your proposal. We will, in any case, seek your department chair's review of your request, unless, of course, we have already heard from your chair regarding the request.

3. We generally ask that all proposers seek some cost sharing from their departments. The target figure is about 25% departmental cost sharing, but this may be adjusted upward or downward as financial conditions warrant. In short, this is not a hard and fast number.

Please share this information broadly with your colleagues. We look forward to hearing from you.

Friday, January 6, 2012

George Washington U CIBER Summer Doctoral Institute

The following note was sent to me as an image, not as text, so I hope this renders well here. Please share with any PhD students for whom this may be relevant.


UPDATE: 1/8/2012

The registration fee for this NSF day is $40. I imagine this is so that the organizers and the host, the College of Engineering, can cover their costs. If you wish to attend, and there are no departmental resources for this activity, I can fund your attendance. Please contact me at tom_birkland@ncsu.edu for details.


Welcome back! The first item to share for 2012 is news about "NSF day at NC State," on February 28--see the note below from Liana Fryer.

Please note that Tom Baerwald, of the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, will be attending. I worked briefly with Tom at NSF, and he's extremely knowledgeable about funding and about the direction NSF is heading in the social and behavioral sciences. In short, this event is not just for STEM researchers! Please do consider attending if you are interested in NSF funding.

NC State is hosting an NSF Day at the McKimmon Center on Feb 28 for researchers all across NC.  NSF Days are geared toward those who are inexperienced with writing NSF proposals and those interested in hearing from an NSF directorate representative.

The program starts at 8:30am, and representatives from each directorate will be conducting concurrent sessions from 1:30-3pm, including Thomas J. Baerwald of the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences.

You can read all about it at:


The reception afterwards will be a great opportunity to network with colleagues from across the campus and beyond.
