Early Head Start University Partnerships: Building the Evidence Base for Infant/Toddler Center-based Programs
The full announcement for “Early Head Start University Partnerships: Building the Evidence Base for Infant/Toddler Center-based Programs” is available online at:http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/ open/foa/index.cfm?switch=foa& fon=HHS-2015-ACF-OPRE-YR-1010. OPRE intends to award up to four cooperative agreements to fund projects that will contribute understanding and knowledge of how Early Head Start and other early care and education programs can promote and improve early child development by supporting both parenting and caregiving.
Projects must be led by researchers working in partnership with one or more EHS center-based programs and/or EHS-CC Partnership programs. Together, they will identify or develop, implement and examine promising integrated parent and teacher intervention models, curricula, or programs. Evaluation activities will include an implementation study and a rigorous test of the effectiveness of the intervention in one or more settings. Results of these studies are expected to provide valuable information that can help guide center-based programs in their decisions regarding interventions to promote and improve early child development.
Applicants may apply for project periods up to 60 months with five 12-month budget periods. Up to $500,000 may be awarded for each budget period. Letters of intent are dueJune 5, 2015 and applications are due July 6, 2015.