Tuesday, September 27, 2016

NSF Investments and Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Research on Hazards and Disasters--Visit from program officer David Mendonça

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences is pleased to host

Dr. David Mendonça of the National Science Foundation

"NSF Investments and Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Research on Hazards and Disasters"

Tuesday, October 18, 10:00 to 11:30
Room 129, 1911 Building

Monday, September 26, 2016

STEM Education Is Vital—But Not at the Expense of the Humanities

That's the title of an editorial in the October Scientific American, and is certainly worthy of our careful reading. One can clearly connect scholarship in the humanities--both teaching and inquiry--to improved performance of our graduates and of our universities. The article is here.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Research Development and Grant Writing News - September 2016 Issue

The September 2016 issue of Research Development and Grant Writing News has been posted to: go.ncsu.edu/research-news.

I would point out a particularly useful article in this newsletter, titled "Looking for Humanities Funding? Ask Google." This article makes an excellent point: that web searches for funding opportunities can be much more fruitful than one might suppose!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Dear Colleague Letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Colleagues, there are opportunities here that are firmly within our College's capabilities. Please contact me if you are interested in pursuing the opportunities described below.

Dear Colleagues,

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its funding partners in the Grand Challenges family of grant programs are inviting innovators to apply for the following two grant opportunities.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Data Management Assistance from NC State Libraries

I received this note from NC State Libraries. The libraries have been very proactive in assisting with data management, which is now a major part of sponsored research.

More and more funding agencies require researchers to include data management plans with their grant proposals and share articles and data resulting from funded research.

In addition to the broad menu of research consultation, visualization support, and research workshops, the NCSU Libraries provides free guidance to NC State faculty, staff, post-docs, and students on creating and implementing data management plans and meeting public access compliance requirements.  Our consultation includes advice on data types and standards for describing data, options for short-term storage and long-term preservation, and considerations for sharing research outputs and public access compliance.