The National Science Foundation has announced the new
Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers program, or I/UCRC.
The number of proposals per institution is not limited as long as each
one involves different disciplines and different industries. The
program is designed to develop long-term partnerships among industry,
academe, and government. The centers are catalyzed by a small investment
from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and are primarily supported
by industry center members, with NSF taking a supporting role in the
development and evolution of the center.
Two kinds of awards:
Planning Grants
Full Center Proposals
Award amounts and requirements are tiered according to whether the
proposal is a planning grant, a Phase I First Five-Year Center Award, a
Phase II Second Five-year Center Award, or a Phase III Third Five-Year
Center Award.
Two deadlines are posted for both letters of intent and for proposals:
Letters of intent: January 2 and June 29, 2012
Proposals: March 6 and September 28, 2012
For complete information, see the NSF program solicitation: