If you are interested in pursuing research funding from Frey or any other nongovernmental foundation, please share you plans with me or with Missy Seate before applying. If necessary, we would like to work with you and with our CHASS development officers to ensure that we coordinate our relationships with private funders, and ensure that funds are properly accounted for.
The Frey Foundation describes its program as follows (from http://www.freyfdn.org/programs/civic-progress-programs ):
Encouraging Civic Progress
Communities whose downtown and older neighborhoods are deteriorating are communities in jeopardy. For this reason the Frey Foundation supports projects that encourage urban revitalization and smart growth. Our goal is to foster civic action to improve the livability of existing urban centers and towns in our target communities of western Michigan.
Our grantmaking priorities include:
Our grantmaking priorities include:
- Building strong and attractive city centers and revitalized neighborhoods
- Fostering public/private partnerships that further city center revitalization
- Encouraging incentives for urban revitalization through state and local public policy
- Promoting equitable public financing across cities, suburbs and rural areas