Thursday, March 13, 2014

New Release - U.S. Census Bureau International Population Data and Maps

From my colleague Joshua Comenetz at the Census Bureau--fascinating data!

The Census Bureau has added to and updated the online collection of subnational population data linked to maps (shapefiles) that are available at the Spatial Data Repository.  The Repository contains a variety of data and maps primarily for countries that receive assistance via the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

To access the maps, start at the web page above and:

1. Click on Data in the ribbon below the title
2. Under the Select Countries tab at the left, click on Single Country
3. Choose a country in the dropdown menu immediately below the Single Country tab to see available data sets.  Census Bureau population data and maps are available for the countries listed below.
   - Africa: Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
   - Americas: Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti
   - Asia/Europe: Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand

In the near future, the Census Bureau will release a seamless global map containing population estimates for tens of thousands of subnational administrative areas globally.

The website below contains links to other Census Bureau international data and map products, including gridded data sets containing population estimates for 100-meter cells for several countries.  These are ideal for obtaining neighborhood-level population estimates.

Please forward these links to anyone who may have use for detailed international population data and maps.  All information on both websites is freely available to the public. We would appreciate hearing about how the data and maps are used, and any other feedback.

Joshua Comenetz, Ph.D.
Chief, Geographic Studies Branch
Population Division
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Washington, DC 20233