Monday, April 25, 2016

Dear Colleague Letter: NSF/SBE Partnering in Round 4 of the Digging into Data Challenge

Scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences with international projects will find this to be of considerable interest.

Dear Colleague Letter: NSF/SBE Partnering in Round 4 of the Digging into Data Challenge

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing

Note that "Inclusion of social and behavioral science expertise is encouraged where appropriate."

NSF 16-059

Dear Colleague Letter: Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing - Public Participation in Engineering Research

DEADLINE MAY 4: Humanities Access Grants: National Endowment for the Humanities

Humanities Access grants help support capacity building for humanities programs that benefit one or more of the following groups: youth, communities of color, and economically disadvantaged populations.

Humanities Access grants establish or augment term endowments (that is, endowments whose funds are entirely expended over the course of a set time period) to provide funding for existing programs at institutions such as public libraries, local and regional museums, historical societies, community colleges, HBCUs and tribal colleges, Hispanic-serving institutions, archival repositories, and other cultural organizations. Humanities Access grants are intended to seed longer-term endowment-building efforts.

For further details, see the announcement at

Monday, April 18, 2016

New Funding Opportunities

The following opportunities are not "limited submission" opportunities. This means that you can apply for these without seeking University clearance. While some of these may seem far afield, for most, if not all, of these opportunities there are likely to be important social and behavioral science and humanistic elements. Please let the Research Office know if you are interested in pursuing any of these opportunities

Friday, April 15, 2016

Call for Proposals from PhD Students: SAS-CHASS Graduate Industrial Traineeship

SAS-CHASS Graduate Industrial Traineeship
Deadline: May 16, 2016.

During the 2012-2013 academic year, the Publications unit at SAS partnered with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at NC State to support a Graduate Industrial Traineeship (GIT). This research appointment has proven positive, and SAS has agreed to continue this program for the 2016-17 Academic Year. The deadline for proposals is May 16, 2016.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Call for Proposals: University Global Partnership Network Research Collaboration Fund

From the Office of International Affairs:

The UGPN is now accepting proposals for the 2016 UGPN Research Collaboration Fund. These awards are designed to go beyond pump-priming and early contact partner outreach; they will support substantive engagement that leads to high quality outputs, such as international research training for graduate students or early career faculty, publication of joint papers from collaborative research, or joint research bids.  Proposals should be jointly submitted by faculty from at least two of the UGPN partner institutions. Proposals will be accepted until May 3, 2016. See more at

Monday, April 4, 2016

Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Team: Reminder of Grant Opportunities

The research office received this letter from the Gates Foundation by way of our University research office. Please let me know if you are interested in pursuing these interesting opportunities.

Teleconference: UNC-GA Research Opportunities Initiative

For those interested in the UNC-GA Research Opportunities Initiative (ROI), please consider taking part in the Teleconference Q&A call with UNG-GA, at Tuesday, April 5 at 10 am. (919-962-2720. No access code needed.)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

New Funding Opportunities

Here are some funding opportunities received from the Research Development Office that will be of particular interest to our college's researchers.  To view all current Limited Submission opportunities as well as selected non-limited opportunities, visit the RDO website.