Friday, July 8, 2016

Funding Opportunities from NSF and the National Institute on Aging

New funding opportunities from the NSF's Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program, and from the National Institute for Aging's investigator-initiated program projects (P01).

This program welcomes proposals that address cybersecurity and privacy, and draw on expertise in one or more of these areas: computing, communication and information sciences; engineering; economics; education; mathematics; statistics; and social and behavioral sciences. Proposals that advance the field of cybersecurity and privacy within a single discipline or interdisciplinary efforts that span multiple disciplines are both encouraged.
Agency due date: Full Proposal: 10/12/16 - 12/15/16 (depending on project type)

The National Institute on Aging invites the submission of investigator-initiated program project (P01) applications. The applications should address scientific areas relevant to the NIA mission. Each application submitted to this FOA must include at least three related research projects that share a common central theme, focus, and/overall objective and an administrative core to lead the project.
Agency due date:  1/25/175/25/17