Monday, July 15, 2019

Important Issue of Research Development and Grant Writing News - July 2019

The July 2019 issue of Research Development and Grant Writing News has been posted to the Research Development Office's website.

This month's issue is of particular interest to humanists and social scientists, because, among the articles listed below, is a very important one: Finding Funding in the Humanities & Social Sciences 

This article reviews : Barbara L. E. Walker and Holly E. Unruh’s Funding Your Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences,and mentions Ralph B. Folsom’s, How to Get Grant Money in the Humanities and Social Sciences, (Yale University Press), which will be reviewed next month. 

The Walker and Unruh book is available for NC State faculty to read and download at the University. Simply go to the University Libraries Website, type in (or copy and paste) the title, and hit search. You'll see a link to the electronic resource. The Fosom book is available on request from the Triangle Research Libraries Shared Print Collection

Also in this issue:
As well as regular features including new funding opportunities, agency research news, reports, workshop and roadmaps.

Remember that the newsletter comes out on the 15th of each month and contains both articles and links to resources on the web.The Research Development Office maintains an institutional-level subscription allowing us to distribute freely within NC State.