Friday, September 27, 2019

Repositioning and Renaming in the NSF Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate

The announcement below describes the NSF's moves to rename and reposition the programs it funds in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate. This is very important news for everyone in the social science community, and you are encouraged to read this information and share it with your colleagues. Let me know if you have any questions. I am pleased to say that this does not signal an intention on NSF's part to cancel or curtail the sorts of things that it currently funds, and these new program descriptions may well create new opportunities.

Dear Colleague,
The social, behavioral, and economic (SBE) sciences have a tremendous impact on quality of life.  With increasingly rigorous methods and an increasingly diverse workforce, the SBE sciences are making transformative advances in many areas. At NSF, we are looking for ways to build on that progress.
With this goal in mind, the SBE Directorate is proud to announce a repositioning of some of its basic research programs, as described in this  Dear Colleague Letter.  
SBE is hosting a series of webinars and virtual office hours to present details about what the repositioning means for SBE research communities. 
Monday, September 30th
4:00-5:00pm EDT
SBE Repositioning Webinar
Wednesday, October 9th
3:00-4:00pm EDT
SBE Repositioning Webinar
Tuesday, October 15th
2:00-3:00pm EDT
Virtual Office Hours
Wednesday, October 25th
2:00-3:00pm EDT
Virtual Office Hours
Wednesday, October 25th 
4:00-5:00pm EDT
Virtual Office Hours
On each webinar I will walk participants through the proposed changes and will be on hand during virtual office hours to answer participant questions after a very brief overview presentation. Closed captioning will be provided for all events, please contact SBE IT Help ( for any additional requirements.
We hope you can join us to hear more. 
Arthur Lupia
Assistant Director, National Science Foundation
Head, Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate
For more information, please contact