The note bellow is from the Research Development Office. Our college landed its first ever CAREER award this year, and I am sure we have other strong junior faculty who would be able to write excellent proposals.
For PI's submitting an NSF CAREER proposal in July 2020, the Proposal Development Unit (PDU) is hosting a Q&A session answering any questions you may have about the nitty gritty of writing your proposal.
Please join the PDU for an online discussion on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 from 1-2:30 pm ET.
In this session, moderated by Lucy Deckard from Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC, session hosts will get into the weeds of writing your CAREER proposal. Specifically, the group will:
- Discuss common CAREER mistakes to avoid
- Go through a checklist of steps PIs should take before submitting
- Answer questions submitted in advance
- Answer questions submitted during the online session
Ms. Deckard is the President of Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC. She has helped to develop and write successful proposals to NSF, NIH, the Department of Education, the Department of Defense, and other agencies and foundations, including proposals for large institutional and center-level grants. Over the last 19 years, she has worked with scores of faculty across the country on their NSF CAREER proposals. In the course of that work, she has learned what reviewers and program officers are looking for, observed strategies that work well, and identified common mistakes to avoid.
(Please note that the group not go through the basics of the NSF CAREER, which were covered in a workshop presented by the PDU in March.)
To submit a question in advance, please add your questions to the registration form. A Zoom link and agenda will be sent prior to the event.
Please join the PDU for an online discussion on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 from 1-2:30 pm ET.