Thursday, August 12, 2021

Various Funding Opportunities for COVID-Related Research

Following are several funding opportunities related to COVID-19 research. If you are interested in learning more or intend to submit a proposal, please contact the Research Office.


Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase I: Development Grants (PIPP Phase I)

The PIPP Phase I initiative intends to support planning activities encompassing (1) articulation of a grand challenge centered around a critical and broad question in pandemic predictive intelligence; (2) proposals of novel conceptual research and technology developments that aim to advance state-of-the-art forecasting, real-time monitoring, mitigation, and prevention of the spread of pathogens; and (3) multidisciplinary team formation. Successful Phase I proposals must identify an innovative interdisciplinary grand challenge that engages integrated computational, biological, engineering, and social/behavioral approaches to formulate and solve critical problems relating to predictive intelligence for pandemic prevention. PIs of Phase I Development Grants are strongly encouraged to develop research and technical approaches that start to address critical aspects of the identified grand challenge.

Full proposal deadline: 10/1/2021


Community-Based Behavioral Health Needs

The purpose of this program is to address increased community behavioral health needs worsened by the COVID-19 public health emergency. Grant funds can be used for the following:
  • Promoting care coordination among local entities;
  • Training the mental and behavioral workforce, relevant stakeholders, and community members;
  • Addressing surge capacity for mental and behavioral health needs;
  • Providing mental and behavioral health services to individuals with mental health needs (including co-occurring substance use disorders) as delivered by behavioral and mental health professionals utilizing telehealth services; and
  • Supporting, enhancing, or expanding mental and behavioral health preventive and crisis intervention services.
Estimated post date: 11/30/2021

Innovation Grant: COVID-19 and Health Equity (R01) Clinical Trials Optional

The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to fund COVID research that will strengthen and advance research in minority health and healthy equity, increase understanding of health disparities, and provide future direction for research that will contribute to regulatory decision making.

Estimated post date: 1/1/2022


This NOFO will support new investigator-initiated research (IIR) grants focused on COVID-19.

Estimated post date: 3/19/2022

Russell Sage Foundation:

Research Grants Program

The severe consequences of the Covid19-pandemic, including its economic disruptions, and the recent mass protests to combat systemic racial inequality in policing and other institutions have reaffirmed the importance of social science research examining economic, political, racial, ethnic, generational, and social inequalities relevant to public policy and social change. RSF encourages proposals that analyze any of these issues on topics of interest under the Decision Making and Human Behavior in Context, Behavioral Economics, and Future of Work programs. Click here to view COVID-19 priorities. Priority will be given to field experiments, as opposed to lab experiments. 

Letter of Inquiry deadline: 11/10/2021