R. L. Rabb Science and Society Symposia are based on the
premise that technological
innovations from the natural sciences are likely to have the
most positive effects on society and the environment when their development
into products is evaluated and guided by diverse, well informed, members of
Dr. R. L. (Bob) Rabb, was a professor of entomology at NCSU
and a pioneer in developing ecologically sound approaches for managing insect pests,
well before Rachel Carson raised public awareness of the need for such
approaches. Dr. Rabb took a broad and critical view of the scientific enterprise
and its relevance to the quality of life on Earth. He nurtured a spirit of
cooperation at NCSU and in the broader entomological community. Hence, it is
fitting that the endowment developed in his honor is focused on the interfaces
between science, technology and society.
The endowment provides funding for symposia at NCSU that
will elevate appreciation within and outside the academic community for the ways in which
interactions among natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities can
foster flourishing societies and sustainability of all forms of life.
All areas of basic and applied research that may affect life
on Earth are appropriate for these programs. Symposia may focus on specific scientific or
technological innovations, compare different approaches for addressing critical
problems facing society, or focus on how the confluence of multiple technologies
within a societal context could affect our future. Proposals must come from NCSU
faculty and symposia must demonstrate how knowledge and insights from the
natural/social sciences and humanities will be integrated. Symposia should have
significant time devoted to audience discussion and can, when appropriate, have
a workshop style.
Proposals will be judged by a panel of reviewers
representing diverse academic fields at NCSU. When appropriate, ad hoc reviewers
with specific expertise will be included in the review process. A rubric of
desired attributes will guide proposal evaluation. Our expectation is to fund
1-2 proposals per year at $3,000 to $10,000 per project.
For more information, contact
The first round of proposals are due April 3rd 2017.
Proposals must include:
1. Up to three pages of narrative (single spaced) describing
the need for the symposium and the expected outcomes.
2. A description of the symposium program, including a)
names and brief resumes of the main participants, b) targeted audience, c)
approximate number of attendees, c) how the symposium
will be advertised, d) registration fees if applicable, and
e) any prospects for co-funding.
3. An itemized budget and budget justification
Proposals in pdf format should be emailed to