Wednesday, November 30, 2011

From InterAct: Essential Grants Skills Workshop

Colleagues, Jennie Renner-Yeomans, Development Officer and Grant Writer for Interact, sent this information to the Public Administration department's faculty and students, and I thought it might good to share with the college as a whole. I believe this conference is about programmatic grant writing; my sense is that it is not about writing grants for scholarly work, although the two fields do overlap. If you have any experience with this workshop, please let me know. 

InterAct has invited the Grantsmanship Center to come to Raleigh and offer  a two day Essential Grants Skills Workshop in February. We’re excited about the opportunity to learn from such a prestigious fundraising organization.

We are working to ensure a solid turnout at the conference on February 6th  and 7th.  I

Here are the details about the conference:

What: In conjunction with the Grantsmanship Center, InterAct is hosting a two day Essential Grant Skills Workshop 
When: February 6 and 7, 8:30 a.m- 4:30 p.m.
Where: InterAct’s Family Safety and Empowerment Center, 1012 Oberlin Rd., Raleigh, NC 27605
Cost: Tuition is for the Essential Grant Skills training is $445. To enroll, or for more information call, The Grantsmanship Center’s registrar at (800)421-9512 or visit

Monday, November 28, 2011

Call for Proposals from Undergraduate and Graduate Student Researchers Human Rights: Witnessing and Responsibility

Jeff Braden brought this to my attention; he learned of this from Tom Ewing of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech. You may have already seen this in other media, such as via email, but because there's a research component to this announcement, I thought our researchers would be particularly interested in this. Please share with your students and colleagues. Note that lodging will be provided for presenters. 

Call for Proposals from Undergraduate and Graduate Student Researchers

Human Rights: Witnessing and Responsibility
Dean’s Research Forum, January 27, 2012, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg Virginia

The 21st century demands an interdisciplinary recognition of and a critical wrestling with ideas of human rights in our world, our communities, and our scholarship. As scholars, through our observations, investigations, and research, we are witnesses to a wide range of phenomena that validate and that also deny the human rights of people. Through our findings, interpretations, and conclusions, we, as scholars have a responsibility to the communities that our research serves. All scholarship produces knowledge that is both affected by people and that also deeply affects these communities. Research is both a witnessing and a responsibility. People and communities at home and abroad are inventing their futures in dignity and self-determination. We can learn from them and they can learn from our research. Bringing the best undergraduate and graduate research and creative work in the region together for a one-day conference, Human Rights: Witnessing and Responsibility, will serve as a space where we can investigate these connections across multiple disciplines.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Caribbean Region Climate Adaptation (CRCA) Partnership Initiative

Marian McCord from our Global Health group here at NCSU shared this with the campus community today. If you're interested, Marian has offered her help in pursuing this, and of course you can count on our assistance as well.


Request for Applications (RFA): 
Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA)/Caribbean Region Climate Adaptation (CRCA) Partnership Initiative

Date Issued: November 22, 2011
Deadline: February 22, 2012

Higher Education for Development (HED), in cooperation with USAID and the Office of Economic Policy and Summit Coordination at the U.S. Department of State, is issuing a request for applications for the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA)/Caribbean Region Climate Adaptation (CRCA) Partnership Initiative.

Higher Education for Development (HED) expects to make one (1) award of up to $770,500 for three (3) years for a higher education partnership between one U.S. institution and the University of the West Indies/Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (UWI/CERMES).  This partnership will build additional permanent, local capacity in the area of climate adaptation at UWI/CERMES. The partnership will focus on research and policy and will result in tangible products such as expanded research, outreach to policy makers, short-course development for academic, public and private sector audiences and strategic planning to secure long-term funding. It is expected that during the next three years UWI/CERMES will be internationally recognized as a Caribbean center of excellence in climate adaptation research and data collection and that this partnership initiative will help UWI/CERMES down that path. Through its academic offerings, expanded research, and graduate level degree programs and continuing education offerings for professionals, UWI/CERMES will lead the way for the region in utilizing the latest data collection and analysis techniques to inform policy and address the many climate adaptation challenges facing the Caribbean region.

Online Information Session: HED is organizing an online information session on December 12, 2011, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST with representatives from the United States Agency for International Development Barbados, U. S. Department of State and UWI/CERMES. Interested applicants will have an opportunity to submit questions concerning this RFA during the online information session, but are strongly encouraged to send questions in advance to Brooks Marmon at
Please visit the HED website for the complete RFA.

NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program (I/UCRC)

The National Science Foundation has announced the new Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers program, or I/UCRC.  The number of proposals per institution is not limited as long as each one involves different disciplines and different industries.  The program is designed to develop long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. The centers are catalyzed by a small investment from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and are primarily supported by industry center members, with NSF taking a supporting role in the development and evolution of the center. 
Two kinds of awards:
Planning Grants
Full Center Proposals
Award amounts and requirements are tiered according to whether the proposal is a planning grant, a Phase I First Five-Year Center Award, a Phase II Second Five-year Center Award, or a Phase III Third Five-Year Center Award.
Two deadlines are posted for both letters of intent and for proposals:
Letters of intent: January 2 and June 29, 2012
Proposals: March 6 and September 28, 2012
For complete information, see the NSF program solicitation: 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Susanna Lee from History presenting a paper on the Civil War at Duke, December 2

Another note from TISS, this one featuring CHASS's Susanna Lee, assistant professor of history! Please look into attending! 

Research Triangle Seminar Series on the History of Military, War and Society

invites you to attend

Friday, 2 December 2011

4:00 - 6:00 pm - Duke University
East Campus - Carr Building 114 Campus Drive - Room 229 

Susanna Lee (North Carolina State University)

The Antithesis of Union Men and Confederate Rebels: 
Loyal Citizenship in the Post-Civil War South

Call for Papers: Student Association on Terrorism and Security Analysis (SATSA) at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University (Applies to Facuty and Students)

I received this from the Triangle Institute for Security Studies. Please note that funding will be made available for travel to the conference for selected papers.

The Student Association on Terrorism and Security Analysis (SATSA) at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University will be hosting its 8th Annual Conference on National and International Security in March 2012, in association with the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism (INSCT) and the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.  In preparation for the conference, we are soliciting universities, think-tanks, and research institutes from around the world to submit papers for consideration to be presented at the conference and published in the Journal on Terrorism and Security Analysis, which is published by SATSA.  SATSA will reimburse the travel and hotel expenses of those selected to present at the conference.
We would appreciate you disseminating our Call for Papers, also available on our website here: We welcome submissions from graduate students, law students, faculty, and practitioners.  The deadline for submissions is January 1, 2012.
Please feel free to contact me if you any questions concerning the conference or journal.
Thomas Schafbuch
Editor-in-Chief, Journal on Terrorism and Security Analysis
MPA Candidate, Class of 2012 – Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
JD Candidate, Class of 2012 – College of Law
Syracuse University

Call for Papers: Social Risks and the Role of the State

Call for Papers: Social Risks and the Role of the State

In 2012, the 8th Transatlantic Dialogue will take place on 6–9 June at the Radboud University Nijmegen ( This conference, organized jointly by European and American networks of scholars in public administration (EGPA and ASPA), aims to strengthen cooperation between European and American academics.  The theme of the 8th Transatlantic Dialogue is ‘Transitions in Governance’. The conference hosts six workshops on major themes in this significant development. One of the workshops will be on:

Social risks and the role of the state

Over the past century, dealing with social risks has become one of the prime tasks of government. What were formerly seen as strictly private and random misfortunes (death, illness, unhappiness) are now seen as calculable risks that the state is at least partly responsible for. All advanced welfare states have recognized – to different degrees and in different ways – the social right to protection against the risks of unemployment, disability, disease, homelessness and old age. Social policy is essentially the governance of such risks. Institutional arrangements have been developed accordingly.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

AEJMC Best Journalism History Book: Call for Entries

Call for Entries

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is soliciting entries for its award for the best journalism and mass communication history book of 2011. The award is given annually, and the winning author will receive a plaque and a cash prize at the August 2012 AEJMC conference in Chicago. The competition is open to any author of a relevant history book regardless of whether he or she belongs to AEJMC or the History Division.
Authorship is defined as the person or persons who wrote the book, not just edited it. Only those books with a 2011 copyright date will be accepted. Compilations, anthologies, articles, and monographs will be excluded because they qualify for the Covert Award, another AEJMC History Division competition. Entries must be postmarked no later than February 3, 2012.

Submit four copies of each book — along with the author’s mailing address, telephone number, and email address — to: John P. Ferré, AEJMC History Book Award Chair, Department of Communication, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292. Contact Dr. Ferré at (502) 852-2237 or with any questions.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gerda Henkel Prize for outstanding research in the historical humanities

The Gerda Henkel Foundation has announced the every-other-year Gerda Henkel Prize for outstanding research in the historical humanities.  Among the eligible disciplines are archeology, art history, historic Islamic studies, history, legal history, prehistory and early history.  Nominations will also be accepted for conflict prevention and a special program, "Islam, the modern nation state and transnational movements."
Award amount:  100,000 Euros
Deadline:  January 31, 2012.
For more information, see .  A letter of invitation to NC State University and three copies of the printed call for nominations are also available on request.

NSF: Methodology, Measurement and Statistics (MMS) funding announcement

This program might be an incentive to partner with the Economics Department in the College of Management, and with the Statistics Department. There may be folks in psychology that may find this particularly interesting. Please let us know if you are considering an application.

Available Formats:

Document Number: nsf12510

Brownbag on Faculty Consulting

Colleagues, I recommend that you consider attending this brownbag on external consulting if you are engaged in outside activity. This session will address many questions people have posed about the university's rules about outside consulting.


The Office of General Counsel and the Office of the Provost are sponsoring a brownbag discussion session on December 2 from 12:00-1:30 pm in room 129 1911 Building on "Avoiding Conflict over Faculty Consulting."  The presenter is Judy Curry, Associate General Counsel, NC State Office of General Counsel.  A flier with additional information about the session is attached.

If you are able to attend, please register at the URL below so we will know to expect you.  Feel free to bring your lunch; drinks and dessert will be provided.

If you have questions about the session, please contact Judy Curry at 515-2696 or

Also invited are the Academic Department Heads.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DISCCRS VII Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium (Funding for Travel Included!)

Folks, please share with junior faculty, because this comes with funding!

Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium
October 13-20, 2012
La Foret Conference and Retreat Center
Colorado Springs, CO

Application Deadline: February 29, 2012
Participation limited to 30 early-career Ph.D. scholars
Airfare and on-site expenses are supported through grants from NSF and NASA

As our understanding of climate change and its far-reaching ramifications continues to grow, it is imperative for climate change researchers to form strong collaborative bonds that reach across disciplines and other boundaries. Every year the DISsertations initiative for the advancement of Climate Change ReSearch (DISCCRS, pronounced discourse) hosts a symposium for early-career climate change researchers. Our goal is to catalyze international, interdisciplinary collaboration while laying the foundation for dynamic, communicative collegial networks that are better-equipped to understand and respond to the myriad challenges posed by climate change.

During the week-long symposium, the 30 invited DISCCRS Scholars will have the opportunity to present their research, hone interdisciplinary communication and teambuilding skills, and discuss emerging research and trends. Scholars will also have the chance to talk about the societal and professional challenges involved in climate change research, with each other and with established researchers invited to serve as mentors.

Call for Proposals: Kauffman Firm Survey Data Extension - Data Matching

Deadline: January 15, 2012

As the Kauffman Foundation nears the completion of its eight-year panel study
on new firms in the United States, the Kauffman Firm Survey
(KFS) <>, they are seeking interested scholars who would
like to extend the core survey data in ways that do not increase the burden on
survey respondents.    

While more than 6,000 variables are included in the confidential version of the
KFS microdata, the Kauffman Foundation recognizes that additional opportunities
for research become available by incorporating new sources of data to leverage
the existing KFS survey information. Through this grant program they hope to
accomplish the following:

*   Expand the community of experts involved with the KFS to include scholars
with expertise in natural language processing, web scraping, and related
*   Create reusable infrastructure;  and
*   Use the prototype/demo infrastructure to evaluate the effectiveness of the
approach (missingness, accuracy, utility) to expand their understanding of
different approaches for matching to existing data sets.

Multiple projects are likely to be funded with individual project budgets up to
$50,000 being preferred.

Note, the restricted KFS data will be available to qualified researchers on
approved projects through the secure Census Bureau Research Data Center

Full details on this call for proposals are available on the Kauffman
Foundation website<>.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chancellor's Innovation Fund (CIF): Announcement from Billy Houghteling

Colleagues, this may not be relevant to most of us in CHASS, but many folks here are working on ideas that do engage the creation of commercializable intellectual property. If you fall into that category, please consider this very carefully.

Springboard and the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) are excited to announce that the Chancellor's Innovation Fund (CIF) is now accepting proposals for the 2012 funding cycle. Established by Chancellor Randy Woodson in 2010, the fund serves as a development resource to assist faculty, staff, and students with additional proof-of-concept research or technology/product development needed to strengthen the commercial potential of unlicensed intellectual property disclosed to the OTT. The CIF's primary objective is to support short-term (one year or less) projects that will enhance the commercial value of NC State's intellectual property assets.

CIF support is designed to provide an individual technology portfolio up to a maximum of $75,000 in funding. Undergraduate student projects are eligible to receive a maximum of $25,000 in funding. Awarded funds are to be used to reduce inventions to practice, provide critical additional data, conduct market research, or develop prototypes - all activities that will make the technology more marketable. Anticipated outcomes include the licensing of inventions to an existing company or the launch of a new NC State startup company.

The submission deadline for proposals is February 17, 2012. The associated invention disclosure form must be received on or before December 16, 2011 (failure to submit an invention disclosure by this deadline will result in an ineligible proposal). A total of $350,000 is available in fiscal year 2012 and we anticipate making approximately six (6) awards during this funding cycle. For additional details related to eligibility, proposal process, criteria, and submission, please visit


Billy Houghteling
Executive Director
Office of Technology Transfer

NSF Smart Health and Wellbeing Program Announcement

This should be of interest to people working on health and wellbeing issues; given the nature of several of the proposals for the Chancellor's Faculty Excellence Program (the "cluster hires"), there should be some interest in this announcement in the college.

Available Formats:

Document Number: nsf12512

This is an NSF Program Announcements and Information item.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Newberry Library: Newberry Long-Term Fellowship applications, Due December 12

The Newberry Library is accepting Newberrry Long-Term Fellowship applications until December 12.  Fellowship topics include American history, late medieval and early modern history and literature; American Indian studies; and humanities.  Stipends are $4,200 per month; applicants must specify how many months they plan to be in residence. 

For more information, see The Newberry website, where this fellowship and eight other award opportunities are available:

For more information on other individual faculty award programs, see

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Information Session on Fulbright Programs for Faculty

Tuesday, November 8th

9:00 - 10:30 AM: Information Session on Fulbright Programs for Faculty

Location: South Gallery, Ballroom, Second Floor, Talley Student Center, *Breakfast will be served

Information Session on Fulbright Programs for Faculty will feature Maria Bettua, Assistant Director, International Institute of Education, Council for International Exchange of Scholars. This program is intended for faculty members who are interested in learning more about opportunities for Fulbright fellowships and alumni of the Fulbright programs who are interested in meeting other former or prospective Fulbrighters.

Sponsored by Office of the Provost, Office of International Affairs, NC State University, and The North Carolina Fulbright Association

For more information, contact: Betsy Brown, Office of the Provost (513-7741; or Ruie Pritchard, Dept. of Curriculum, Instruction, & Counselor Education, College of Education and President, NC Fulbright Association (515-1784;