ON HOLD. Per this note received December 16
The SEED Grant program is temporarily on hold, while Dr. Terri Helmlinger Ratcliff, Vice Provost for the Office of Outreach & Engagement, and Dr. Alan Rebar, Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Economic Development have time to review the current program guidelines, past results and identify and secure appropriate funding resources. Helmlinger Ratcliff and Rebar are committed to refocusing the SEED Grant program for greater impact in line with Pathway to the Future and institutional priorities moving forward.
The Office of Outreach & Engagement is pleased to announce that funds are available to be awarded for selected proposals related to extension, engagement, and economic development activities for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The maximum award will be $10,000 per proposal request. The purposes of the Extension, Engagement, & Economic Development Seed Grant Program are to stimulate faculty and EPA professionals to address the needs of citizens of North Carolina and beyond, to encourage external and multidisciplinary partnerships, and to leverage additional funds for extension, engagement, and economic development endeavors. For more information and details of the RFP, please visit https://oe.ncsu.edu/about-us/extension-engagement-economic-development-seed-grant/.