Lifting Nicaraguan Voices (LNV)
USAID/Nicaragua is seeking assistance for a five-year program called "Lifting Nicaraguan Voices" (LNV) to support the existence of an independent Nicaraguan civil society to effectively advocate for democratic principles, processes, and institutions Subject to the availability of funds an award will be made to that responsible applicant whose application best meets the objectives of this funding opportunity and the merit review criteria contained herein.
DRL- Engaging Youth in Promoting Tolerance, Pluralism, and the Human Rights of Marginalized Populations in AfghanistanDepartment of State
The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that support policy objective to promote religious tolerance, pluralism, and the human rights of marginalized populations through engaging youth.c. Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01)
4. Mental Health Services