Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Russell Sage Foundation (RSF) Initiative on Decision Making and Human Behavior in Context

A very interesting opportunity has been announced by the Russell Sage Foundation. From their website:

The Russell Sage Foundation (RSF) is launching a new special initiative on Decision Making and Human Behavior in Context that will support innovative research on decision making across the social sciences that examines causes, consequences, processes, or context from a behavioral or alternative perspective. We seek to support a wide range of research on decision-making in context by scholars in psychology, political science, sociology, and other social science fields who are pursuing questions consistent with the aims of the Foundation. This initiative complements RSF’s long-standing Behavioral Economics (BE) Program which continues to encourage the submission of proposals.
This initiative will support research proposals from multiple methodological perspectives that will further our understanding of decision making processes and human behavior in the contexts of work, race, ethnicity, immigration, and social inequality, broadly conceived, in the U.S. Priority will be given to research related to our core programs and other special initiatives. Limited consideration will be given to projects that test well-established behavioral effects without examining the overarching context or the underlying mechanisms.

The full description is at

Please share this broadly among your colleagues with an interest in this field. I believe we have strong researchers whose work would be a great fit for this opportunity.