Thursday, March 5, 2020

UPDATED: Spring 2020 Events for Faculty

UPDATE: March 16 In light of of Coronavirus-related efforts to reduce face-to-face meetings, and because staff are working at home and attending to supporting researchers, these events are being postponed. We will hold these events in the fall term. We will make an announcement about dates and times when it is timely to do so. Thanks for your patience. 

The Office for Research and Engagement in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is pleased to offer these events to support faculty research and scholarship. Please feel free to attend and to share this with your colleagues.

Grants 101: An Introduction to the Grants Process in the College
The Research Office invites you to an overview of the grants process in the college and university. We will discuss working with the Research Office, the various systems researchers use to manage grants, and researchers’ responsibilities. After this program, you’ll know how to work with the Research Office to submit and manage your grants.
Postponed until Fall 2020
An Overview of Human Subjects Research at NC State
The director of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) will be visiting the college to provide an overview of how human subjects research is reviewed and approved at NC State. Come with your questions, and to learn about recent changes in federal regulations that affect our research.
Postponed until Fall 2020

Information Technology Basics for Researchers
Staff from the University and College IT offices will provide an overview of services available to support researchers. Topics will include data storage and security, data sharing, software licensing, and others. Come with questions about your IT needs.
Postponed until Fall 2020