Friday, February 17, 2012

Call for Research Papers - Federal Academic Research Collaborative (NYU Wagner)

Colleagues, many of us in CHASS do policy relevant work, whether or not we are in political science or public administration. The following note describes an opportunity for you to match your expertise to particular federal agency needs. 

If you do work with this group, please let the CHASS Research Office know what outcomes, if any, there were. 


NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service is pleased to share an opportunity to easily connect your existing research and publications to federal agency priorities. NYU Wagner has launched the Academic Research Collaborative (ARC), which aims to match agency policy priorities with relevant scholarship in academia.

The initiative promises to link thoughtful research to real problems, both highlighting leading scholars in the field and offering policy-makers fresh perspectives and solutions to some of the greatest challenges facing the country.

ARC is working directly with senior-level officials at the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Labor to address their core research priorities, which include the cross-disciplinary issues of leadership development and training; the role of incentives, penalties, and behavior in the private sector; impact evaluation; and more.

Your research canbe submitted easily and quickly by clicking on the link to the contribution form below. More information on the priorities is also available through this link.

Federal Academic Research Collaborative

We hope you will take advantage of this exciting opportunity to connect your meaningful work and research to real-time policy challenges. 

For more information, please contact Neil Kleiman ( – 212-998-7535).