Friday, February 24, 2012

Stewards of the Future: Research for Human Health and Global Sustainability

Colleagues, I received this note from the provost's office. Many faculty in the college are interested in human health, and my find this conference interesting. It's important to note that the convergence of the sciences listed below clearly excludes the social and behavioral sciences, yet the innovations these folks seek are impossible without strong social and behavioral science. With this in mind, I'd appreciate your letting me know (at whether you plan to attend, and, after the meeting, how social sciences can participate and contribute.
Stewards of the Future: Research for Human Health and Global Sustainability
Hosted by NC Agricultural & Life Sciences Research Foundation and CALS
April 17, 2012 at McKimmon Center
One of the keynote speakers is Dr. Phillip Sharp, Nobel Laureate and Institute Professor, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT

Dr. Sharp was lead author on the MIT White Paper "The Third Revolution: The Convergence of the Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering" ( ) and co-chair of the committee that produced the National Academies 2009 report "A New Biology for the 21st Century" (  )

Conference registration is free for NCSU faculty/staff/students.