If you are interested in applying for this, please contact me at tabirkla@ncsu.edu or at 919-513-1834. This is a limited submission program, so if there is more than one proposal being prepared across the university, we need to know. Thanks!
Award: Up to $100,000 has occasionally been awarded. Most awards are smaller.
Cost-matching: One-to-one cost matching in non-federal funding is required. The matching funds may be from private, nonprofit, state or municipal government sources, or any combination, as long as they are non-federal.
Mandatory notification of interest in applying: Due by 5 p.m. January 23, 2013 to limited-submission@ncsu.edu . Only a simple email statement of interest is needed, not a formal LoI. Provide a descriptive working title for the proposed project, and identify the project director and co-directors, as well as any partners external to NC State. Also specify the arts category according to those listed athttp://www.nea.gov/grants/
Internal preproposal submission: Due by 5 p.m. February 4, 2013 to limited-submission@ncsu.edu. For internal requirements, see http://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/ 2012/01/art-works/ .
Estimated internal review completion: February 6, 2013
For more information anda link to the program guidelines, seehttp://research.ncsu.edu/rdo/ 2012/01/art-works/ .