Friday, January 18, 2013

NSF: Ethics Education in Science and Engineering

Colleagues, I am sharing this because some of you may have an interest in ethics education in STEM fields, and may have been, or currently are, collaborating with colleagues in STEM on these issues. If you are not, but are interested, let me know. Since this is a limited submission program, NCSU can only submit one proposal, so I suspect that any initiative NCSU undertakes will be interdisciplinary.

The National Science Foundation has announced the Ethics Education in Science and Engineering program.  The limit is one lead proposal per institution.  Non-lead proposals are unlimited.  The program is designed to "deepen the understanding of ethical dilemmas in science and engineering, and provide cutting edge, effective research and educational materials to train the next generation of scientists and engineers." 
Award:  Up to $300,000 over up to three years
Important dates
Mandatory notification of interest in applying: Due by 5 p.m. January 24, 2013 to .  Only a simple email notice of interest is required, along with the name and contact information of the principal investigator and and a working title for the proposal.
Internal preproposal submission: Due by 5 p.m. February 11, 2013 to .  Internal requirements are available at . 
Estimated internal review completion:  February 14, 2013
NSF proposal deadline:  March 1, 2013
For more information and a link to the program solicitation, see .