Due dates for submission: April 1, 2013
The CHASS research office is pleased to announce that it will offer up to five Junior Faculty Development Awards, to support tenure-track faculty in their scholarly endeavors. This is a one-time program, but may be announced next year if funds are available.
Eligbility: Any junior faculty member in any discipline in CHASS may apply. Only tenure-track faculty are eligible. Faculty who will apply for promotion and tenure in AY 2013-2014, or whose promotion to tenure will take effect any time during the 2013-14 academic year are not eligible for this award.
Faculty who have been funded under the SRA mechanism during the 2012 cycle are not eligible for this funding. Faculty may apply for these funds if they are being offered summer research salary for May or June 2013, or any portion of these months.
Budget: No award will exceed $3500, which must be spent between May 16, 2013 and May 15, 2014. Support may be requested for most items usually found in a research budget, including graduate student labor, travel essential to the project, specialized equipment, and the like. No funds may be used for summer salary, release time, or for standard desktop computers. Funds may be used for software only if the university holds no license for a closely equivalent package. Funds may be used for conference attendance only if such attendance directly leads to the outcomes described in the next paragraph.
Purpose: These funds are intended to support junior faculty who are actively engaged in scholarship. Proposals should make explicit what scholarly product will result from this funding. We do not expect that these funds will be the sole form of support for the outcomes you list, but we want an explicit connection between support and outcome. We particularly want to see evidence that, by the end of the funding period, you will have submitted a grant proposal, peer reviewed article or articles, a book proposal, or similar tangible scholarly output. We do not expect that you will do all of these things. But proposals that propose tangible results will be favored over exploratory or vague proposals.
Proposal: To apply, provide a proposal consisting of the following elements:
1. A cover letter from your department head supporting your application and proposal.
2. A proposal of no more than 2500 words (references do not count in this word count), and append a budget and budget justification.
3. A current copy of your full CV (not the abbreviated NIH or NSF-format biosketch)
4. A printout of your up-to-date faculty directory page on the CHASS college website as it appears at If your department uses a different system for listing its faculty, you must still complete this CHASS requirement.
Send the proposal as a single PDF file to by April 1, 2013.
Review Criteria
- Description of Proposed Research – The goals and objectives of the project are clearly defined in terms of research focus.
- Relevance and Novelty of Proposed Research – The project contributes and does not duplicate former research surrounding the problem area
- Research Methods – The proposed methods are adequate to address the topic of the project, in terms of the norms for sound scholarship in the discipline in which the applicant is working.
- Proposed Budget – The budget is appropriate for the project; the line items have been sufficiently justified.
- Potential for Future Funding – The selected problem has sufficient potential for follow-up funding.
Award / Reporting Requirements
As noted, no award will be made unless the applicant has completed the CHASS faculty directory information. Instruction on how to do this can be found here:
A final report will be due by August 15, 2014. The report should not exceed 2500 words, and should include a narrative of what was accomplished, the extent to which the accomplishments are congruent with those originally proposed, and prospects for future research. In addition to this report, you may include attachments or links to scholarly outcomes. The report must be submitted as a single PDF document to