Pre-proposals are due to the NCSU Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (ORIED) by 5 pm, April 11.
This announcement will be of considerable interest to interdisciplinary scholars in our college whose work touches on the priority areas listed in this announcement. Please let the research office know if you are interested in this opportunity and we will do all we can to help you and your team.
UNC GA has announced a second round of the UNC Research Opportunities Initiative (ROI) for funding potentially game-changing research projects.
This is an institutionally limited program. Internal preproposals are due to ORIED by5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 11, 2016 via CompetitonSpace (see link below). The Vice Chancellor's office has been charged with the responsibility for prioritizing the proposals to be submitted to UNC GA. All preproposals will be submitted in a single submission via email by the Vice Chancellor or his designee.
Priority areas are listed below.
1. Advanced Manufacturing
2. Data Sciences - Alyson Wilson*
3. Defense/Military/Security
4. Energy - Bill Winner*
5. Marine and Coastal Science
6. Pharmacoengineering
* These faculty have agreed to act as leads to facilitate coordination of proposals and communication with other universities (successful proposals will need to involve more than one UNC institution in each area). Please notify these leads if you plan to submit a preproposal addressing these specific area, or if you would like to participate on a team.
More information can be found at rdo/funding/uncga-roi/. Submit your preproposal via CompetitionSpace at competitionDetail/1725595.
Al Rebar