UNC-GA has officially announced another round of RFPs as part of its ROI program. Planning grants have been replaced with a new, separate RFP. Both RFPs are attached to this email.
- The UNC Inter-institutional Planning Grant (IPG) Program is an initiative designed to promote collaboration among UNC institutions (particularly between larger and smaller institutions) and across disciplinary boundaries. The intention of this award program is to incentivize stronger collaborative relationships within the UNC system to increase the system’s competitiveness in attracting external funds. This is a one-time award to initiate a collaborative team effort, with the expectation that the team will use the funding period to position itself to obtain external funding in support of future activities related to the project.
- The UNC Research Opportunities Initiative (ROI) provides targ
eted funding for innovative and potentially game-changing research projects. Funded by a recurring annual appropriation from the North Carolina General Assembly, the ROI represents a significant financial investment in the UNC system’s strategic goals. UNC ROI awards are designed to build capacity in research areas that are strategically important to North Carolina. The intent of this funding is not to establish a research program de novo; rather it is to provide the needed boost to propel a team to national or international prominence.