To view previously announced funding opportunities, visit the RDO website.
Limited Submission AnnouncementsThese programs are those that limit the number of applications that the university can submit. If you are interested in applying to one of these programs, please click the "Notification of Interest" link and fill out the form. All deadlines are at 5pm unless otherwise stated. Only those who fill out the form by the deadline will be eligible to participate in internal reviews. For more information about the limited submission process and the limited submission calendar, go here.
NSF: Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships
Limited Submission AnnouncementsThese programs are those that limit the number of applications that the university can submit. If you are interested in applying to one of these programs, please click the "Notification of Interest" link and fill out the form. All deadlines are at 5pm unless otherwise stated. Only those who fill out the form by the deadline will be eligible to participate in internal reviews. For more information about the limited submission process and the limited submission calendar, go here.
NSF: Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships
The STC program supports exceptionally innovative, complex research and education projects that require large-scale, long-term awards. STCs focus on creating new scientific paradigms, establishing entirely new scientific disciplines and developing transformative technologies which have the potential for broad scientific or societal impact. STCs conduct world-class research through partnerships among institutions of higher education, national laboratories, industrial organizations, other public or private entities, and via international collaborations, as appropriate. They provide a means to undertake potentially groundbreaking investigations at the interfaces of disciplines and/or highly innovative approaches within disciplines. STCs may involve any area of science and engineering that NSF supports.
Internal deadline - Notification of interest: 3/28/19
Limit - 3 per institution
Sponsor deadline - Preliminary proposal: 6/25/19, Full proposal (invitation only): 1/27/20
HRSA: Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Professionals
The purpose of this program is to enhance community-based experiential training for students preparing to become behavioral health professionals with a focus on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance Use Disorders (SUD) prevention, treatment, and recovery services. The program will provide funding for training behavioral health professionals in the provision of OUD and other SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services in high need and high demand areas.
Internal deadline - Notification of interest: 3/28/19
Limit - 1 per institution
Sponsor deadline - 5/7/19
Sponsor deadline - Preliminary proposal: 6/25/19, Full proposal (invitation only): 1/27/20
HRSA: Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Professionals
The purpose of this program is to enhance community-based experiential training for students preparing to become behavioral health professionals with a focus on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance Use Disorders (SUD) prevention, treatment, and recovery services. The program will provide funding for training behavioral health professionals in the provision of OUD and other SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services in high need and high demand areas.
Internal deadline - Notification of interest: 3/28/19
Limit - 1 per institution
Sponsor deadline - 5/7/19
HRSA: Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Paraprofessionals
The purpose of this program is to enhance community-based experiential training for students preparing to become peer support specialists and other types of behavioral health-related paraprofessionals with a focus on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance Use Disorders (SUD) prevention, treatment and recovery services.
Internal deadline - Notification of interest: 3/28/19
Limit - 1 per institution
Sponsor deadline - 5/7/19
The purpose of this program is to enhance community-based experiential training for students preparing to become peer support specialists and other types of behavioral health-related paraprofessionals with a focus on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and other Substance Use Disorders (SUD) prevention, treatment and recovery services.
Internal deadline - Notification of interest: 3/28/19
Limit - 1 per institution
Sponsor deadline - 5/7/19
The mission of this Challenge Grants program is to strengthen the institutional base of the humanities by enabling infrastructure development and capacity building. Awards aim to help institutions secure long-term support for their core activities and expand efforts to preserve and create access to outstanding humanities materials.
Internal deadline - Notification of interest: 4/4/19
Limit - 1 per institution
Sponsor deadline - 5/15/10
Although NIGMS will support multiple T32s from the same institution, they must be in distinct scientific areas. NIGMS has defined the following scientific areas: 1) Behavioral-Biomedical Sciences Interface; 2) Biostatistics; 3) Biotechnology; 4) Cellular, Biochemical, and Molecular Sciences; 5) Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI); 6) Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Biomedical Data Science; 7) Genetics; 8) Molecular Biophysics; 9) Molecular Medicine; 10) Pharmacological Sciences; 11) Systems and Integrative Biology; and 12) Transdisciplinary Basic Biomedical Sciences. NIH T32s that are funded through other Institutes (e.g. NHLBI, NIEHS) do not count against these scientific area limits. However NIGMS T32 applications are required to have an institutional letter of support that includes a description of how the proposed program does not overlap with any existing T32 support at the institutional level.
Internal deadline - Notification of interest: 4/4/19
Limit - For each area, only 1 application or active award is allowed
Sponsor deadline - 5/25/19 (Also 9/25/19, 1/25/20, 5/25/20)
Sponsor deadline - 5/25/19 (Also 9/25/19, 1/25/20, 5/25/20)
NIH MARC - Notification of Interest: 3/28/19
NEA Art Works - Notification of interest: 4/25/19
Upcoming Internal & Inter-Institutional Deadlines
Faculty Research and Professional Development Program (FRPD) - March/April (varies by college)
NC TraCS Translational Research Matched Pilot Grant Program - March 26, 2019
Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program (RISF) - March 28th, 2019
Non-laboratory Scholarship/Research Support Program (NSRP) - September 26, 2019
Laboratory Research Equipment Program (LREP) - October 10, 2019
Non-Limited Funding Opportunities
NC Biotechnology Center: Flash Grant Cycle 2
NCBiotech’s Flash Grant program aims to identify and energize the most creative ideas that exhibit early indications of commercial potential. Like a flash of inspiration, Flash Grants infuse a quick jolt of funding at a critical early point when a small, targeted influx of funds can be crucial to shaping innovative research ideas into high potential life science technologies, particularly in emerging and converging life science sectors.
Sponsor deadline - 4/3/19, 12pm