Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Funding Opportunity from the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care

The Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care is pleased to announce a new grant opportunity, called Expanding the Science and Practice of Open Dialogue: An international collaborative multicenter research project to evaluate the effectiveness of Open Dialogue in various mental health care contexts around the world.
Proposals are due January 2, 2019. Evaluation will be conducted by the Foundation's Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) augmented by consultants selected by the SAC if needed. The SAC's evaluation will be forwarded to the Foundation Board of Directors who will make the final decision for the grant award.
Please read the Request for Proposal carefully as we will not accept incomplete applications.
If you have any questions about this RFP not answered in the attachments, please email them to the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care at info@MentalHealthExcellence.org.